Ground penetrating radar as the name suggests is a radar which is used to inspect the ground to see if it has any object under it which could be valuable. This radar is mostly used by the diggers which help the digger to locate the area which may have something worth digging for. It saves them from the trouble of digging all the ground and provides them an area where digging could be useful.
The mechanism of this ground penetrating radar is very much simple. This radar has the antennas which are used to transmit the radio waves into the ground. The ground penetrating radar work more effectively when it has brought in contact with the ground. When the radio waves go into the ground then these have the properties that these are reflected back when these are encountered with some sort of object. When these radio waves are reflected back the antennas again capture these reflected waves and based on the intensity and portion of these waves the person holding ground penetrating radar could analyze the size of the object and the exact area where it is present.
However, the basic functionality of the ground penetrating radar is similar to the metal detector but the information that the ground penetrating radar provides additionally about the object is not provided by the metal detector. This is because of the reason that the metal detector only sends up to 17 different kind of frequencies in the ground and only some of these are reflected back which helps in the identification of the area in which the object is buried but provides much little information about its size and composition. This is possible by the ground penetrating radar which is designed to send millions of frequencies in the ground which in returns brings back many useful information. Because the things and object which are buried inside the ground are static therefore the person himself has to move the ground penetrating radar in order to cover up the entire area and to locate an object.
The main reason why people prefer the usage of the ground penetrating radar instead of metal detector is because it also provides the information about the composition of the metal before it could be taken out of the ground. Another technique that the ground penetrating radar use is that it differentiates the object from the ground based on the composition which means the metal will have different composition than the soil.